Film and TV

Anatomy of a Fall: much more than a courtroom drama

Finally had the time to sit down for almost three hours in the evening to watch Anatomy of a Fall, French filmmaker Justine Triet’s take on the courtroom drama which won her not only the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Festival but also a nomination for Best Picture at the Oscars this year. Most reviews…

Why Greta Gerwig’s “Little Women” Matters

Greta Gerwig reaches her arm into history and puts “Little Women” back on the table again, but this time telling us that it is not merely a girl’s fantasy nor yet another novel which shows that love and marriage is all that matters. She reads between the lines and shows what unnecessary pain and sacrifice…

Afterthoughts on “The Ted Bundy Tapes”

On the rare occasion of having nothing to do on a Friday afternoon post-lectures, and an even rare occasion where none of my housemates were present in the kitchen, I decided to put on Netflix’s “The Ted Bundy Tapes”, a documentary still relatively hot off the press. Being the model uni student that I am,…